Sunday 5 May 2013

CTC ride back To Compton Abbas

Waiting at the start
Well we are back to Compton Abbas on this ride but unlike last time the sun is out the temperature in double figures and shorts and short sleeved jerseys are 'de rigueur'.  OK that will be just for me, not everyone is so easily fooled into believing it is summer!

We put the bikes on the car and meet Dave, Doreen and Jill at Wimborne and then cycled to the meeting point of High Lea Farm at Witchampton Crossroads. There amasses a reasonable size group of around 15 of us and the main topic of conversation is the difference in weather from our last outing to Compton Abbas. After waiting for the 'fashionably late' we set off down what are now becoming familiar Dorset lanes through Witchampton, Moor Crichel, Long Crichel, a short spurt on the A354 and then to Chettle. A quick stop here to regroup and take a drink before heading off over the undulations of Cranborne Chase mirroring the route of the old Roman road. If you look at the ordnance survey map you can see lots of evidence of Roman occupation as well as the barrows and hill forts that pre-date the Roman occupation. Of course other more recent notable residents include Madonna and Guy Ritchie. We pass Larmer Tree Gardens which each year hosts a variety of outdoor events including the Larmer Tree music festival which now appears to provide a 'residency' for Jools Holland.
Waiting for stragglers

Tiger Moth
At the turn off for Ashmore we wait for the slower riders to catch us up before the final sprint to the airfield at Compton Abbas and the promise of coffee and cakes at its cafe.  The sun is still out - hoorah! So we can sit out side and soak up its rays while watching vintage Tiger Moths take people up for flights. The airfield is situated on one of the highest points in Dorset so the views even without going up in an aircraft are superb and make the steady climb we have undertaken since the start of the ride worthwhile. After too brief a stop, I could have lazed in the sunshine watching the aircraft for much longer we set off in the general direction of Alvediston and lunch.
Compton Abbas Airfield

From the airfield we swoop down hill now most certainly on the arrow straight Roman road before turning off for Berwick St John and finally Alvediston home of and final resting place of Anthony Eden,  Prime Minister 1955 -57. In fact we have our lunch at the church yard where he is buried and share is glorious view across the valley. A word of caution the rough track up to the church has some very sharp flints in it as I found out when I punctured!!

From Alvediston we set off for our return to Wimborne once again heading south towards Sixpenny Handley but first we must negotiate the climb over Barrow Hill and Wood House before briefly cycling along the ridge and the old Ox Drove before heading downhill to
Kathy Barrow Hill
Dave and Dennis
Sixpenny Handley. From here we head back to Horton Crossroads via Monkton Up Wimborne, Wimborne St Giles and Amen Corner. Some of our number stop for tea at the village hall but we in the company of Dave, Doreen, Jill and Robert strike out for Wimborne.

On one of the climbs we loose Robert and I shout to let everyone know and look back to check on Robert. I turn round and realise everyone has stopped! I do an emergency stop and at this point prove Albert Einstein correct in his famous comment on cycling 'Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving'. At least I landed in the verge so a fairly soft landing apart from the thorn in my knee. Kathy has teased me relentlessly about this mishap, I feel it is one I shall not be allowed to forget!
Bikes loaded

We manage to get back to Wimborne without further mishap, load the bikes onto the car, say goodbye to our cycling companions and head home for something cold and alcoholic.

Sorry no map or Strava info this time as some Muppet, who shall remain nameless, left his mobile in the car!!

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